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Image by Luca Upper

1-Day Masterclass:
The Art of the Book Proposal

Now Accepting Students!

Upcoming 1-Day Masterclass:
The Art of the Book Proposal

Class Schedule:

This class will be held on Zoom on Saturday, October 8, 2022 from 11am - 1pm EST.


Class Description:

In this 2-hour intensive master class, we’ll discuss the practicality and step-by-step process of developing a marketable book proposal for a full-length work of nonfiction, including memoir, essay collection, narrative nonfiction, literary journalism, and additional nonfiction forms. Over the course of our two hours, Amy will walk you through each element of a book proposal, using her own personal examples, resources, and material she’s drafted and used to successfully sell and market two memoirs. Amy will also share valuable experience, considerations, and tangible steps you can take before and after developing a book proposal, including finding and querying the right agent, publishing standalone excerpts, and enhancing your manuscript’s marketability as a means of making your book more appealing to potential editors. Students will also work to develop and fine-tune their own materials, including an “elevator pitch,” a one-paragraph book description, and a query letter.





Class Features:

Exclusive access to Amy's personal resources and materials, including successfully marketed book proposals

Comprehensive discussion of the elements of a successful book proposal, with examples and sample material

Collaborative in-class development of crucial marketing elements, including an elevator pitch, book description, and query letter
Insider advice and suggestions on enhancing your book proposal's marketability

Robust, market-savvy discussion on steps to take before and after, including finding an agent and publishing standalone excerpts

Personalized feedback and suggestions on your individual book proposal

An intellectual, creative community of fellow writers who can provide support and feedback on your book proposal


The Fine Print:
This class is open to writers of all backgrounds and skill levels

Writers accepted into this class must be supportive of their fellow classmates and eager to learn together
Class size is limited; students will be enrolled on a first-come, first-serve basis
Classes will meet on Zoom for 2 hours per session

Due to the small nature of this class, no refunds available

Still have questions?

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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